Clinics for Consulting

ul. Podgórna 4, Poznań
phone: (011 48) 618 528 108

ul. Święcickiego 1/H 84
63-100 Śrem
phone: (011 48) 532 84 84 84


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Botox injections

For those patients that require a more effective treatment then topical or oral medications, and have been disqualified from surgical intervention, we suggest the use of Botox to treat hyperhidrosis. By the employment of a graphic technique of detection, we define the site of the greatest concentration of overactive sweat glands. After their localization, we would use a multi-injection approach, based on the experiential analysis assembled by the Botox Institute in the United States, to paralyze the muscles about the sweat glands. Each patient is treated again periodically to retain the effect.